There’s been a public demand about my morning gushing posts! But, I’m gonna go ahead and post one anyway. 😅 After a week’s delay. You’re such a sight for sore eyes. I wish I were your flower guy. “Flower guy?” You know, leave it to me to be in charge of getting fresh ones every week for you! Despite rumors, I really don’t have that much to do! I could use the work! But I don’t have a green thumb. The rest is up to you. You’re a sight. It’s always the first time. Divine timing is everything. Everything is the very thing. The colors you represent. In a polka-dotted dress, you’re yellows and reds and blues. Complementing you. Hoop earrings and whispered yearnings. You’re sacred and true. You’re someone to be worshipped. Your smooth skin leads to the underpinning. We clothe ourselves in thoughts, but we’re naked without them. I find you deep inside the blue. You take me in a million ways. I don’t know where it’s leading. It seems to be nowhere. But I like it here. I like it anywhere you are. The look in Haley Joel Osment’s eyes in that movie, “A.I.” When he looks to the woman he was programmed to love. I feel that’s how my eyes get. When I look to you. Always a child inside, with the wide-eyed wonder of a little boy. Holding your hand. The girl in the polka-dot dress, leading me to the bus stop, or to school – I’m always learning – or perhaps to a corner. I’ll go anywhere you say. Even it it’s away. You make life richer. You’re my ultimate teacher. You sanctify and make things holy. Your eyes are like rivers contained. Beating up against a dam. The water retrains, but your light comes through. The most beautiful eyes in the world. That’s you. People turn to you to know what to do. When not going inside. You’re in there, too. I love you. Your nose and your cheeks! Oh, the shape of you. Lost in you. This wonder place divine, your lips so generous. You have so much of everything! So, of course, everything is you. To love you is restoring. How could anything grow old when this life is lived constantly. Always regenerating. Never feeling the cold. That’s when I know I’m in the closest part of you. You can block every door, but love doesn’t listen to rules. Put your hand up against the crack and you’ll feel it coming through. It travels through pores when the usual ways won’t do. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. You’ve got the magic numbers. All these things that we reference that aren’t tangible, yet we know they are real. You’ve got me spinning on a Thursday. Memories of shooting hoops on a day with nothing to do. Summertime as a boy in an abandoned school yard. It’s nothing but net with you. The clanking is just noise. I’ll love you forever, if that’s okay. If it’s not okay, we can make it okay somehow. There’s always a way. There’s no wanting when in the space of you. I don’t want for anything else when my heart is with yours. Any other wanting is a substitute, anyway. When it all feels so closed. You light up every part of me. You’re springtime and symphonies. You’re every anxiety dream turned on its head, where someone comes in and simply says, “I love you.” And your sun has returned. You’re so beautiful. A freeze frame of you tilting your head. Oh, these looks that you give! I’ve counted fourteen. The only limit is my counting and my perceiving. It’s up to me to crash down those walls. Because there’s always more. You never stop giving. You’re a lightning rod. Your hair cascades like a river, passing by one eye, it alerts like a tour guide, “To your right is a pool of wonder.” And ‘oooo’s’ and ‘aaaah’s’ ensue, as it reaches its destination, softly cradling against your neck and shoulder. The softness of you. The richness and the thunder. If my ear were resting where I could hear your heart beating, I’d have to be pulled away. Like a child screaming for his mother. A feeling I’ve never known until I saw you. And yet all I feel is nurturing. You bring out the mother in me, too. Oh, to love you. That’s all there is. It’s all that could be. What else is there? You bring my love out into everything. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. Softly. Your voice so pure there are melodies gliding all inside of it. Serious music scholars would analyze it like they do with Beatle songs and important oratorios. Something is always lost in the analyzing. Where brains are put to work on something that invokes the heart. It’s time misspent honestly. The magic is in you. I love you. I’d give you everything I have, and never say a word. Never a regret, my only time spent would be in thinking, “Now, how do I get more?” To give to her. You bring that out in people. You give so much. Without saying a word. To me. You’re bells and whippoorwills. You’re songs of release. You’re the most beautiful woman who has ever lived. That’s the reward in itself. For me. You’re twilight, you’re comets that travel quietly, but light that is piercing. You’re every day I find myself awake, with a dream deep inside of me. Not for fame or for glory. Only to be a part of your story. A dream so far and yet so close, because when I’m deep inside you there’s no worry. You’re someone to be celebrated. Always. You’re so beautiful this morning. I’m so lucky I saw you. I can’t imagine life without you. I can’t capture your beauty. But I’ve never been a hunter. I could never hurt an animal. All I carry are binoculars. And that wow that touches my soul when they are placed to my eyes. That silent whisper of “There she is.” And God touches me in that very instant. I’ve seen the Divine’s greatest wonder. And I’m never the same for it. Over and over again. You’re majestic. You’re supercalifragilistic. You’re wild and tame. You’re nights of soft rain. Sitting by a window, a sea breeze touching in. And telling you, “I love you.” Over and over again. And someone says it’s just a Thursday morning. And I say, then Thursday mornings are the best things ever. Because you’re here. Today. With me. And I don’t have to wonder any longer. And yet the wonder keeps on going. How could it be any other way? When the most beautiful girl in the world, with eyes that defy reasoning, captures a heartbeat so she is one with it. And sets it free. To all the mystery. You’re evergreen. And blues and reds, and a golden aura around you I’ve always seen. Since the beginning. And before that, and after. It’s always spinning. You’re morning sun. You’re always the one. If you think only one thought today, please let it be that you’re so deeply loved. Nothing exists except your love. I feel it constantly. ❤️
Little ps’s …
8-5-20: When pushing all the chips to the center of the table after two years (picture a poker game that’s gone on for days and nights straight and the players are now exhausted and barely conscious), one would think the money card would be the last one played. But, apparently, the order is: second-to-last card played – money brag. Last card played: start … rapping. Yup, you heard it right. … I’m not that bad, really. I’ve been rapping two days straight now. Vanilla Ice, he’s a puddle on the floor. Smelling like vanilla yogurt that went bad in ’04. I make you *melt* around me. See, yo, I got *style* inside me. I invented poise, y’all, fallin’ for my toys. I’m legendary, *see?* I got more class than Jay-Z. Beyonce lookin’ over sayin’ ‘brotha from another motha, c’mon, get a little close-a, ‘nilla, and talk with me.’ (“He’s stepped over the line now,” she says!). … Well, at least I single-handedly replaced that horribly sexist saying about a lady singing with “It ain’t over until … the todd starts rapping.”
Happy almost Thursday!! I got the Wifi working!! “NOOOOooooooo!!!!!!!” I hear if I listen quietly out the window. Traveling somewhere over from southwest of me!!
You’re beautiful!! You’re amazing!! There’s gotta be *somewhere* where there’s no blocking!! My gushing needs an outlet!! Just sayin’! “You come back after a week to type … that??” I’m rusty.
Unlike you, you never lose your style. You’re a goddess. You’re the empress. I hope something makes you smile. You’re legendary. Unlike a legend in his own mind, rapping
, you’re a real one, in real time. You make the rhymes that come out of me. You’re mesmerizing. … ahem … (like leaving a failed board meeting: “Okay, well, um, (loosening my tie, sweating) I’m going to work on this tonight at the hotel, and present again fresh tomorrow.” “You do that.” “I mean, there’s nowhere left to block, right?” “Very few places, … but we’re looking into it.”)
You’re sensational. Even when you’re not seen, you’re still in everything there is for me. You make people so happy!! Just to know you exist at all!! You’re wonderful. I hope you always know it. You’re the greatest, always.
8-4-20: I caught you in a blue dress this morning! You’re so good at what you do. You’re the best as far as I’m concerned. Thumb typing. Internet is dead. Have to jump thru Comcast hoops or cancel and see what Verizon can do. The break has been weird! You know I was on a roll doing things a certain way for 2 years. This shook it up, and maybe that’s good. I’m your friend – always!! If you want me to be! Braggin’ about an extra 1m got me blocked, but what’s mine is yours. I’m the kind who would help you and never say a word. It would never be mentioned again. I think deep down you know who I am. But this break is good. Well it’s tough! I’ve grown SO addicted to that box on the wall!! And connected on my laptop – “gushing device!” This “forced break” has been good for my head. I’m really relaxed. I feel confident. Things are just coming to me. I’m secure. And I got all I need. I really do. I don’t even need a timeline. I’ll just post when I post – music and vid, too! It’s just for fun, in the hope of interesting you. It’s all been for you. You know that by now. I think you also know deep down I’d be a really good friend to have. Maybe someday. When the gushing has tired itself out a little.
so, what’s the point of this? Oh! No internet! Thumb typing is so not me! And will get it all fixed, but don’t know when!! You’re amazing, though. So much so!! I caught you on fubo at 5 a.m.!! And you’re such a special person. *If* you’re going through a tough period – in any way, shape, or form, I have a deep feeling it will get better. Your life is going to be so amazing. For all the UNBELIEVABLE STUFF you’ve already done (I mean, *who* does what you do?? You’re in the 1 percent of “WOW!!”), it hasn’t even begun in terms of happiness. I know how happy you can be. I can feel it. And I feel I know when you’re blue. Your future is going to have so much
in it, you won’t know what to do! You’re wonderful. And you’re loved so much! Happy Tuesday! Slow news week over here! And no internet, except my phone. But I’ll drop in from time to time. It’s good to shake things up! Forced change, on my part. But you’re so often on my mind. You’re someone so special, always. You stand out, you’re different. And you’re the most spellbinding person in the world.
I’m your forever friend. You can always count on me. Always. I promise it.