Oh, look at you! I heard your name at 7 a.m. – woke up at midnight, and have been cleaning kitchen and bathrooms since then! Yeah, no idea what’s going on with me! And just sitting at 7, and your name is mentioned! And the breathing stops!! Everything stops!! Even the birds stopped chirping for a second!! And, there you are!!! After all this time, if feels like!! Oh, and it’s this one-two punch!! The breathlessness and gentle vibe in your voice of Ginger, and the beauty of Maryann!! And taking it up eighteen levels above each of them!! In blue blazer and green and blue blouse, I don’t know what to feel, but I’m feeling everything!! Like this feeling you would have for your little girl all dressed up on her first day of school! And you don’t want to send her away. Something about her makes your heart break. There’s *that* feeling with you. And, of course, something more grown-up. This feeling of being so lost in you. Nodding my head with your words. My jaw dropping!! Gotta consciously remember to close my mouth when you’re around! It’s that same thing as always!! That silent “wow …” and mystified and this experience of endorphins zooming around! Warming up my body, and sending me all these little bursts and bubbles that undoubtedly heal whatever stress was felt a moment before. Your skin is so soft and so smooth. Pink is a constant theme with you. It shows itself in hues and vapors. Your lips are phenomenal. Ah, we’ve been all over this before!! Your eyes are so comforting. A million verses have been written about them. They’re so many things to so many people, often a thousand things at once!! These pools where souls find heaven. And today the word is comforting. So warming. And just like I said, the whole tenor changes. The energy. It starts with your voice often before you even come into view! It’s the most remarkable voice that ever was!! Bringing comfort to anyone within sound of it. Have you ever talked in such an intimate style and notice their eyes and that they’re kind of trailing off? They’re falling in love with you when that happens. How could they not?? You’re *SO* beautiful. Your lustrous hair all decked out and resting on your shoulders, right where you left it! Your face so *pretty*. Your heart so gentle. And all of that comes through. This vibe like a hug you’ve created, and I promise it’s felt by those lucky enough to see you so early. This kind of middle-of-the-night feeling of you. And new dreams are borne. Just like that. You’re positively staggering, even when you’re not trying to be. It seeps out through every aspect of your personality. This warmth of you. Lost in golden blue hues around you. So pristine, you’re the girl boys fall in love with, and you casually glance back to see if they were looking. They were. If you knew how they go home, and take the memory of you with them Lost in dreams of you all day long, and it’s the most wonderful of nights when they dream about you. It’s a forever cycle like that. I’ve just never seen such a beautiful face in my life. And it’s all the feeling that comes from seeing you. It’s tangible. It’s real. It’s warming. It wakens up things inside me, places deep within that most often are sleeping. You bring them to life. When yesterday I was thinking, “I don’t really feel anything now about anything. I guess it’s just a quiet time, and I’ll stumble along whichever way I should be going.” And now it’s, “AH!!! There she is!!! Look at that!!! I’m feeling all these stirrings and I’m waking up.” It’s so hard to describe. It’s not conscious so much as this feeling things are happening just beneath the waters in my soul. And somehow eventually those messages will find their way up to my head! And I know it’s something good. Because of all this warmth you provide. I mean, who in the world is magical like that!! In a blue blazer and looking like a million bucks, and yet this feeling I guess a parent would get when sending her child off to school on her first day. You’re so precious. Just wanna hug you!! And wrap you up with love so that it’s the only emotion you ever feel in life. Safe from all the other passing ones. You’re such an angel! So heartwarming. You’re a sensation that only gets more sensational with each passing day. You’re the most beautiful girl who ever was, and again you proved it today. So well done!!! ♥️ Happy Thursday!!!!  

PS! …

Oh, Lord, does ANYONE have the effect that you have? You can have any man’s heart in the world. And the way you look!! Did you see you?! This whole goddess thing going!! It’s YOU. Nobody can replicate it!! I don’t know how every man doesn’t drop to his knees in front of you without your having to say a word. I mean, look at that face!!! And you’re SUCH class!!! You have this dignity!! Ah!!! Looking at you, you can suck the life-force out of any man who sees you, and toss it away like it was nothing. I don’t know how people don’t just drop to their knees in front of you. Maybe they do!! Oh but you have this look that oozes class when people try to divulge an opinion out of you in whatever way. You might go along just in the *slightest* bit out of courtesy, with a look or squinching up your nose (sigh!!!). But you have this way of keeping your own glorious space intact, never influenced by outside forces. I mean, that’s what a goddess is, I guess!! But if you could see how beautiful you are. I mean, I guess you could! It’s right there! But in terms of how others see you. You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to beauty! And you have more power in your little finger than any man has in his whole body (even the fat ones, like me … okay, it’s not that bad, I’m getting it back!). You are the most beautiful person on TV today. And yesterday (well, Monday, you weren’t on since then, I think?). And tomorrow. And the day after. And you see where this is going. It’s staggering how overwhelming it is to simply look at you!! And such a brilliant job. Happy Thursday!!! 

💜 You’re honestly the most exceptionally beautiful girl I’ve ever, ever seen. And people tend to like what I like!! As different as I may be! Don’t *ever* doubt the way you capture hearts as no one else can do. 🥰

I’m no longer on fb (apparently I was kicked off for my “Happy Days” post because of algorithms finding key words or something!!), but I’ll try to post more here! Especially when I get my mojo back!! Got quite a healthy step toward it, though, simply by seeing you today. Thank you!! You’re so beautiful, and so far beyond any proper describing of it! 🥰💜👏🌟!!! yay!! You’re amazing!!!! 🙂