You’ve got the magic touch! You can be so many things today! You can get lost in conspiracy theories. Maybe they’re true, some? I don’t know! But all that agitation and pulling-you-down feeling into a rabbit hole. It’s so much fun for man to draw out enemies, real or perceived. Those at the very very top who are pulling the strings and manipulating. But you use that old rule after listening or reading. Did it leave me feeling better after, or weaker in some way? Were there constant calls to like, subscribe, and buy the merch? Yeah. Too many voices, all yelling over each other to be heard. So maybe you decide to make your concerns more local. How you’ll build your little empire. Will the love of my life come along! Or, if here, can I be sure he or she’s the right one! So the channels switch over from conspiracy to romance and astrology! Ah!! What planets are ruling over me today! Oh, you dastardly Saturn! Things will get better once you cut me some slack! And, that’s all a bit too exhausting, too. It was fun for a while. And you’re pretty sure there’s more to life than what the mainstream feeds you. Sometimes it’s freeing to simply say, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” Even Einstein freely admitted the more he learned he became painfully aware there would always be far, far more he would never understand while on this plane. How much can you fill a brain anyhow? And with what? Useless statistics? I’ve got a lot of those!! Just waiting to use ‘em! You wanna know who replaced Richie on Happy Days in 1980? It’s all right in here, folks! (points to his head.) And some of it makes you happier. Happy Days certainly did within reason! But at some point it becomes like filling a stadium! Every thought represented by a person! And the droning noise leads to the point where you say, “You wanna cut out of here?” And you exit, and it’s “My ears are still buzzing! It was so loud in there!” And you breathe. You take in nature wherever you are. The way a plant is sprouting through the sidewalk. Or birds and squirrels quietly interacting with each other. God’s green earth is everywhere, even if in the funniest of places. “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” kind of thing. and you get back to your source. It’s all good. There’s no right or wrong. Some are destined to fight wars. It’s what they signed up for. You’ll fight wars of your own. Some really love the material. The earth. Money. And all the things in it. They’re in the amusement park, so why not enjoy it? If their hearts call them to it. It’s not my place to judge. But there’s something beautiful about getting back to God. Your will, not my own. Show me how to be someone better, kinder, more uplifting to someone before I’m gone. And you almost see God hiding behind a corner. “I was waiting for you to find Me here.” That returning to Eden, and always welcomed with open arms. Everything out there is a reflection of Me in Here. You’re always welcomed back. You never have to ask. How nice that sometimes you come looking when nothing has gone wrong in your life. Just because, that’s all. Because you’ve gotten torn up in wrong or right. Two people, with both very differing viewpoints, each on their dying day, writing something to their people saying, “And keep up the good fight.” And both writing of the joy of returning to their lost wives and a child, in one case. Both good people, in that by all accounts they didn’t go out of their way to hurt anyone. They certainly knew love. And yet each seeing the other side as corrupt or bad in some sense, and virtue in their own. Somewhere in this manmade place of good and evil. One person’s good is another’s misfortune. Where life becomes gray and very subjective in moments. There’s got to be a place beyond good and evil, away from the things of man. Where all that exists is love. No thoughts entering to say, “This one deserves it. The other one doesn’t.” Just love! That lifts up even the tiredest of souls. The most judged among us weeping, and falling to his knees once it’s felt. This feeling of coming home. Where the door is always open, no matter how far one has strayed. It exists! I’ve seen it! I know you have, too! You get a glimpse of it every time somebody shows love to another, with no expectation of reward. Even if it leads to their downfall. Because it never does. Not in the bigger sense. Love is the pathway out. Out of all the nonsense that fills a head. If God is in me, and I am in God. If God is in all things, surely I’m a part of that, too. I can tap in. I can breathe deeply, and speaking to the deepest part of myself, quietly ask, “What do You wish me to do?” I promise you won’t be long there before you feel some form of comfort. Some angels around you. A strong but gentle protection. Where you’ll less apt to give an opinion, and more apt to say, “I love you.” I was thinking of you. I wanted to tell you today, you’re wonderful, just because. I know so little in my mind, as to the great machinery that powers all of life and its outcomes. But I know so much inside. When in that quiet place with you, my God who guides me. Who takes away my fear. And replaces it with the overflowing love that rushes forth with it such serenity. A confidence that can’t be touched. Oh, it’s so good to come home again. Just because. And find You’re always waiting here. To guide me. I don’t feel so inclined to judge, not today. I don’t feel quick to anger. I feel compassion and empathy. And gratitude. All the thoughts have subsided a bit. It feels more important to share a smile with you. And a loving wink. We were all created. We are all connected. There’s a shared felt moment between me and you. “What were we arguing about?” “I don’t remember. … All I know is I love you.” It seemed important to say. ❤️ 

Happy Wednesday!! Just a quickie!! You’re so amazing!! Promise to be GOOD to yourself today!!! You deserve to feel wrapped up in love and kindness, no matter what. 🥰