the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. 56. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
There’s a little of that lost feeling when she disappears, like something was subtracted in the energy that lifts your day. Like those episodes of “Happy Days” after Richie left,...
Like a mother, you’re a creator. Of great things! You’re the empress. That most celebrated of goddesses. The one who has the power of every element. Earth, air, water, fire....
2 years ago today!! … You’re my favorite subject. And the subject is vast. There is so much I don’t know about it. But, it’s okay, as I don’t imagine...
Oh, look at you! I heard your name at 7 a.m. – woke up at midnight, and have been cleaning kitchen and bathrooms since then! Yeah, no idea what’s going...
You’ve got the magic touch! You can be so many things today! You can get lost in conspiracy theories. Maybe they’re true, some? I don’t know! But all that agitation...
What’s it like when a couple days go by in a row when you’re not seen? There’s a tectonic shift! People don’t know what to do! Especially people who don’t...
You’re so breathtaking this morning. Like that Christmas Morning feel! You with a cup of coffee, sitting in your chair, waiting for presents to be brought to you! That kind...
You were so marvelous today!!! Oh, you’re such a class act!!! Your voice!! Ah, you’re so the opposite of the New England accent!! All this richness in your tones!! And...
Seeing you on that stage!! What’s funny is you’re reporting about those who take it. But seeing you under those lights! The way you were dressed!! Your face* (* –...