the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
You’ve got that certain something. That makes grown men weep. You’re the most beautiful girl ever. So why talk about it if it’s not getting you anywhere? Well, it’s this...
Thank you for the beauty of this day. I want to thank you. You’ve brought so much happiness to others. I should make this a daily event. A meditation and...
Let’s take a drive away! Anywhere you want to go! I’m all in!! Just as your friend. I don’t have to listen hard to follow my heart. It’s beating out...
You have this quiet strength. I wish I could put it into words. But people are comforted by you. You’re the adult in the room. And if someone is blessed...
There’s been a public demand about my morning gushing posts! But, I’m gonna go ahead and post one anyway. 😅 After a week’s delay. You’re such a sight for sore...