All posts by: Todd DeMartinis

🌕⭐️I love you. Thank you for inspiring me so. I would never have found my voice, whatever it might be, if I had never seen you. I know it’s true....
🌟☀️☺️ You arrive and it’s sunrise! The room actually quite literally alighted! And your crystal blues. If you happen to freeze it at the end where you have this plaintive...
Look at you shine!! In a plaid dress, you’re not playing business woman – you’re the real thing!! At the top of your game! And it’s absolutely staggering how beautiful...
If I could capture your look in a moment, and be lost in you there, I’d never have a bad time of it again. Never a bad day. Your look...
Oh, you save lives! Like the bedraggled guy on death row whose friends have all walked away, as he’s being led on that green-mile walk – minus Tom Hanks! He...
Somebody up there likes me. Somebody up there adores you. You sing a thousand songs, and yet you never say a word. Not to me, personally. But I hear you...
Hi, guys! I’m so sorry for falling behind on comments! It was a tough week! Before I get to them, here is Chapter 3 – for those of you interested...
There’s something new beginning today. This hard feeling of *I know* becomes this breath of relief of *Let’s wait and see!* A feeling of weight gives way to something joyous...
I look in your eyes and I’m so lost in you. It’s this way every time. I try to decipher what they’re saying in my mind, but it’s something only...
You’re a picture! You’re a dream! Oh, there are no words. Your magnificent blues so effervescent they reflect within your eyeglass frames! Today you see the world in focus, only...