All posts by: Todd DeMartinis

She’s aces! She’s diamonds! She blows your mind! She covers a story that goes viral. Then she’s *in* the story! She has such an important part to play. Her part...
🌟 Ah! That moment where you want to gush, but you know that you’ve been talking too much. Like George Bailey – when melting over Mary – in “It’s a...
This is the greatest gift of all! For me! Take the excitement of a Macy’s Day Parade, and multiply it a million fold, and that’s the thrill of getting to...
And today I feel like a gambler rolling lucky sevens! I got it! But I’ve got the good sense not to test it again! This will do! This will hold...
If memory serves, she did Thanksgiving at an unbelievably early 11 a.m. last year, and her loved ones lovingly acquiesced, so she could get enough sleep to do the 5...
The light of a new day! What places will she light today? Beyond the places in your heart she lights so brightly. You don’t know much, but you’ve learned a...
“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” is like “Chinatown” (the latter I only recently saw for first time). I can’t shake either one. They stay with me days after viewing...
Ah!!! She’s there and you burst at the seams! You didn’t realize you were down! You’d say, if asked, “Everything’s fine, everything’s great,” but she shows up as a vision...
It’s safe up here. It’s very clear. You’ve got a friend in the blue. Ragged and bedraggled, and yet no worse for wear. You are loved from a higher place...
There she is! Okay, so you really don’t sit here watching all day! You of course wish you knew her – so maybe you could get some secret “in!” Like...