the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
Thank you for the beauty of this day. I want to thank you. You’ve brought so much happiness to others. I should make this a daily event. A meditation and...
Let’s take a drive away! Anywhere you want to go! I’m all in!! Just as your friend. I don’t have to listen hard to follow my heart. It’s beating out...
You have this quiet strength. I wish I could put it into words. But people are comforted by you. You’re the adult in the room. And if someone is blessed...
There’s been a public demand about my morning gushing posts! But, I’m gonna go ahead and post one anyway. 😅 After a week’s delay. You’re such a sight for sore...
AH!! I almost missed it!! I woke up, and asked, “Alexa, what time is it?!” And she answered, “My name is Anya!! And the time is 5:59 a.m.” And that’s...