the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
Hi, friends! Happy New Year!! I hope it’s wonderful for you! For those following along, here is Chapter Two (along with Chapter One) of my novel, “Evercreek Falls” – where...
You shine!! You’ve got this wonderful light about you! Whomever you touch this year, they’ll be better for it. You’re so greatly loved. You are so beautiful as you are....
You appear! You’ve been gone so long. And it’s like the sun is shining through. It’s like the sun is *you!* Oh, it feels that way. It all comes from...
For those who are feeling sad. Your quiet love will see you through. No matter what is happening today. Today is just a day. You’ve seen so many of them....
Ah! You’re so cool! You’ve got options everywhere! If your love doesn’t like ya, another one will! They’re lining up! It’s just a simple paradigm of how you set your...
Oh, just look at you! Dazzling through! Like someone opened the oven door! After it had been preheating to four hundred and forty four! And all this warmth surges through....
How do you do what you do? Your hair is new. Your face is new. It’s like you’re in some rollback machine, where people are singing, “Everything old is new...
There’s something to celebrate, in a quiet way. No big to-do. You can leave behind all your worries today, and let’s just look at the little things you do. Your...
You yearn to be better, and because you do, you’re already on your way! You’re better than you were yesterday! And the divine isn’t measuring. You find it when you...
You’re beautiful! You’ve got this wonderful light about you! Whomever you touch today, they’ll be better for it. You’re so greatly loved. ❤️ … She lights up the room! She’s...