the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
It’s this existential thing. When you get the look that tops all the looks before it – and that’s not an easy thing! – you know it invariably must go...
You know her by heart. You feel her by nature. There’s this gentleness to her. Like a living breathing flower. You could catch her in a freeze frame – literally...
“Do You Believe in Magic?” is playing, but in reality, it’s not teasing the upcoming segment. It’s an overture to the one before. The one with her! Her magic is...
You’re a little late, and she’s way ahead. She’s David Banner, and in this case you’re the fumbling reporter who overslept in bed. Catch her if you can! But she’s...
You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. In case nobody said it today. And when you’re not around, I go on the memory of yesterday. That memory of how...
She’s aces! She’s diamonds! She blows your mind! She covers a story that goes viral. Then she’s *in* the story! She has such an important part to play. Her part...
This is the greatest gift of all! For me! Take the excitement of a Macy’s Day Parade, and multiply it a million fold, and that’s the thrill of getting to...
If memory serves, she did Thanksgiving at an unbelievably early 11 a.m. last year, and her loved ones lovingly acquiesced, so she could get enough sleep to do the 5...