the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. 56. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
Oh, that look at 11:38 PT! I saw this documentary on Slim Aarons (really good!), a photographer who hated being told what to do. And he was photographing a young...
Ah!!! I knew it was coming! It’s been this weird kind of energy week, and I tuned in and saw the ring! Congratulations!! I feel a little like Biden tonight!!...
AH!!! Yes, you’ve given us *all* a lot to digest today!! The most thorough in the business! And there you are. Looking 16! You actually do. Of course you’re not...
You’re such a good baby girl. You can breathe easy. Show that smile today we all love so dearly. You make men come alive and feel so restless and uneasy....
AH!!!!!!! 5 stars at 7:55!! And a plush zipper jacket makes a return!! Hair so fiery in tone – and the texture! The layers! Dancing like flames! It’s as if...
Working hard (well, kinda!), but stealing a moment away to say you’re beautiful! I mean, what’s more important than that?? That’s something that needs to be known! You’re magic. Even...
There is so much beauty all around you. And there’s also so much noise. Follow your heart to the place inside you where silence comes about. You’re perfect, right now....
Monday on a Tuesday blues, lifting … It doesn’t matter, what memories have gotten into your head. Of only the bad. And conveniently forgetting the good. Little things. Someone who...