*UPDATE: She healed!!! She healed!!!!💛❤️☀️😊 Heart is blown away! Didn’t look great, but organic chia seeds were the big hit (small enough to eat easily) and water by spoon.❤️❤️❤️*

Been trying to nurse this little guy back all night. Guess is that s/he might have had a stroke. Seemed vigorous but only moving one side of body. What chokes me up is she likes being pet, and moves her body up the side for more comforting when I remove my hand. Sometimes it’s deeper and more centering to love the smallest creature than get caught up in human drama all around. Love your way today if you need some ❤️🌟☀️ You’re better than you think you are!!

If I’m the first to say it today, I’m lucky: You’re beautiful!!! ❤️ You have SUCH power to ease another’s pain. Please tread kindly and gently with all. Some hurt deeper than others.
