Ah! Just for the joy of it! Had to post it again! And yet it’s always so true! That spin of feeling so in love with someone. Always remember you’re beautiful, and *nobody* gets to tell you anything different! Even when people approach you with a “hard truth,” know everything is words! And your truth is deep inside you. You’re magnificent, and, honestly, that’s all there is to it!! Kinda loaded in tasks, but will love up your comments by Sunday! Means so much to me. Thank you for being a friend!! (does anyone hear “The Golden Girls” theme coming on??) You’re amazing! You’re steady. You’re ahead of the curve. You were loving, when loving wasn’t “cool.” And yet it will all circle back to you. Things always come around. … Nothing better than having a moment to sit and simply breathe! And feel that love slowly come over you and center in your heart. Even imagining your worst enemies. And saying, “I love you” to them in your mind, when in a calm state when you can mean it. And all that worry and stress simply lifts into higher hands. You deserve to feel that way. Good about yourself, that is. There is *nobody* like you. Believe me, I’ve checked. You were made so beautifully and with such a special purpose. Only surround yourself with those who lift you higher (as Oprah would say!). Because you’re so wonderful and cherished. Nobody’s got your DNA or your fingerprint, and that’s for good reason. You were made to celebrate you, and stay true to your inner compass. And miraculous things will follow. Ah, if I could give you a hug, I would!! You’re carried in a heart for safe keeping. happy weekend!!
Be light with her. You may be terrified, but she doesn’t need to know. Make her laugh. If you got this far, she’s already crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s. You’ve dreamed of it over and over again. You’ve talked out loud your witty banter, then cringed, saying, “Oh, no, no, no, don’t say that,” and finally after hearing the sound of your own rambling into corners, “Oh, thank God it’s not today!” This is your chance to do what you were made to do! Be silly with her. When you get that smile that is special in that it’s a smile for you, she might ask, “So, what is your goal?” And you answer without thought, “This.” And that makes her smile again. You’ve dreamed of this moment, meditated on it. In those meditations, even when real life was harsh and any dream impossible, she says, “You’re doing fine.” The furthest you dream is a gentle kiss on her temple. It never occurs to you to dream past that. That’s the dream, and even that is too full a dream to wrap around. Be light with her. She doesn’t need any more sorrow. Be what it is that got you this far. That something different. She’s already crossed the t’s. Be Woody in Toy Story. Be Puff in that Magic Dragon song. Be that most loving animal. When away, you don’t concern yourself with drama. You simply look to the window and wag your tail gleefully when she returns, no matter the wait, no matter how long. Like Woody, you’re simply in your bliss when it’s play time again. Be light with her. You got this far. Don’t try to impress her. She’s already dotted the i’s. Be a friend. Someone who offers a unique view. Giving her new expanses for her eyes to playfully roam. Don’t worry if it’s the first and the last meeting. It’s the miracle of the whole thing! You’ve been gifted your own Field of Dreams. But instead of a baseball diamond, it’s the most beautiful diamond. And don’t forget all those vivid dreams you had along the way, and all those intuitions when the other side was veiled. Those ones that kept you going when every sign on the outside told you otherwise. You were carried, but you had to manifest it with your loving thoughts and actions. This delicate push and pull energy working in unison. Here is your chance to ask about them all, to compare notes. Be light with her. Treat her gently with every thought and word. Remember the meditation when you were suspended above. Then, we were together, actually talking, laughing, joking. There was this incredible quality to it. Flirting. Me being crazy about her, and her knowing it. But, we’re friends. But, she really really likes me, too. And, just this wonderful flirting and *feeling* that was so real. I guess the message was … ah, there was so much in there I’ve forgotten already … not that I wanted to!! … But, ah … “wait” … loving my strength. My humor. There will be a sign of communication of some sort and I’ll know it when it’s time. … But, just so much giddy love. But, that most innocent kind. Playful. Endearing. … It felt so real. … Yes, I’m crazy, I know. But, it was so nice. It made me so happy. Awake, but in a dream at the very same time. I didn’t feel I was controlling the dialogue or actions. So much happened on its own. Remember all of that. It all got you here now. “So, what is your goal?” “This.” Be light with her. You might end up the smallest facet of her diamond, but you get to reflect there. Don’t worry so much. She’s already crossed the t’s that got you this far. And, when it’s over, don’t worry. Don’t be Puff and slip back into your cave. Dance! Laugh. It’s a miracle you got to spend time with her. Don’t kick yourself over what you forgot to say. Anything you forgot your heart told her. Be light with her, and don’t worry. She’s already checked the boxes. Perhaps you’ve made a friend. How wonderful would that be? Someday when the world is cold you may be the one she turns to. And, your tail will be wagging by the door. You’ve dreamt this whole thing from the beginning. Something so utterly impossible. And the thing that got you here is love. Otherwise a silent invisible hand would have intervened. Something bigger saw something pure in it. And, that’s pretty cool stuff! You can walk tall. Smile. Be light with her. Everything you’ve thought and done and dreamed brought you to this moment. There is no worry over the length of it, short or long. And, like Field of Dreams or Toy Story or Puff the Magic Dragon, the whole thing runs on love. Love is that something pure in it. It’s not allowed to travel those magical paths otherwise. You got your gift, your goal. *“This.”* It’s not in the ending, but in the whole journey where the magic is. Carrying you. Coming in dreams and meditations and intuitions. Something even bigger was dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s that allowed it to happen. Something so simple as a hello. But, in that hello she feels it. She knows how much it means for you. Your shaking gives you away. She knows that, for you, she’s the beginning and end of a rainbow so oversized in the sky. No words could let her feel more complimented. And, she knows that for you something so simple as hello will be the thing you treasure. That thing you carry all the time. So it is forever, in that way. You dreamed a dream way too big – bigger than anybody’s business to dream! – and that dream called your name to the plate. It shrugged its shoulders and looked at you – you shaking like a scared little boy, and said, “Well, you dreamed me. You’re up!” And you tremble to your core. But, you’ve got to step up to the plate. And, it’s not about whether you hit a grand slam, or strike out in three sad pitches. You got to this ridiculous, unthinkable, otherworldly plate that is only a dream for others who would even dare to dream it! So, laugh at the joyous wonder of it! And, be light with her. As always, let every thought, word, and action be a place of soft landing for her. She’s certainly given you one. It doesn’t really matter your insecurities or whatever fears that come. She’s already dotted your eyes and crossed your heart. She knows how big it all is for you, and maybe that’s endearing, too. “What’s your goal?” “This,” you answer without a beat. And, she smiles. Because she feels the truth in it. All of it was simply to get to here. This moment. As big and tall as the dream is, its length only took you to here. To saying hello. So, laugh. Be silly. Be light with her. It’s the moment you dreamed.