You put so much into it, and it comes across so natural. We don’t see the pressure and the heat of the diamond being made. Your eyes speak volumes. And it’s a language a mortal can barely understand, but it’s hypnotizing. There’s so much going on in you! Soothing and lifesaving and discerning and, for as young as you are, ageless wisdom coming through. You’re like looking into forever, and feeling comforted by how spectacular it is. There’s never been anyone like you. Ever. If somebody knows where to find you, you’re this touch of the extraordinary on a Thursday morning. Everybody has their idols. Whether placed in people or gods and goddesses they give names. You’re something so much more powerful because there is a visceral reaction when you’re seen. This tearing apart of vestiges in a heart, and where there is trouble it’s replaced with a feeling of soothing. Trying to move that feeling created from the heart to the throat is the hardest thing to do, because so much of the wonder is bound to be lost in translation. But, oh! … what your eyes do. Whether a child or that oldest person, each on the opposite end of a spectrum lying in a bed, but each is that one that won’t be comforted until they see you. “He won’t stop calling for you,” somebody says with tears in her eyes. That’s the power you have. It starts in your eyes. And then it fills every place. You’re magic on earth, sometimes found at five in the morning. You have to know where to look. But when found there’s never any forgetting you. It’s so profound people are writing books about you. They don’t know what else to do! Because it’s this filling of wonder into a body that can’t take it all in. It’s overwhelming, it’s spilling. This crystal glass of blessed water overflowing everywhere. And everywhere it touches it heals. That’s how it feels. That’s what you do. With simply a look from you. You’re the most beautiful person who has ever been. I know it because my insides sing, when before they never knew how. What incredible gifts you bring. And I’m changed. There’s a calm that’s never been. No worry over future happenings, no pining or jealousy. I came in one door and I’ve been absolved. In your beauty, and I exit through another door more majestic than before. I dream and yet it feels the dream is always coming true, all the time, even while I’m speaking it. You’re in everything I do. I saw your eyes! And like a finger snapping – just like that! – I’m someone better. Who cares where the chips fall, they’re falling all over! Like a glorious raining from the sky. You light up every part of a life. And it all begins in your eyes. You have super powers. You’re the only one where it feels like a plug – going into a socket that lights all of Disneyland, in an instant at night! To say you’re beautiful doesn’t quite get to it. Your spectacular face is a carnival of sight and sound, of soul-wrenching chills and thrills. This voltage felt in every cell! Of the person seeing you. You’re so wonderfully profound. There’s no mistaking the feeling of being renewed. Lifted up to some higher view, some higher plane of being. Where old cares are washed away, and this gentle softening of places that grew too hardened. If that’s not ethereal, then I guess I don’t know what is. The changes are real. Because upon seeing you, this glorious feeling creates thoughts that are kinder. And those move into words that are nicer. And in doing so a person creates her or his own karma. So knowing you is a magical circle, a ferris wheel of lights and wonder. You’re in everything, and everything is in you. You’re so beautiful, it humbles. You light up the morning. And the person viewing likes the skin he’s in, you’ve transformed him. I’ve never in my life seen eyes like yours. Your face that heals. You’re treasured for miles. You have this miraculous beauty I had only read about in books. It’s all come to life with you. You have such power. You make all of life so good. I’m always praying to angels. I guess I’m silly that way. It only occurs to me now, there’s no more powerful angel than you. You fill me with the wonder of a child. You’re in everything I do. ❤️