The light of a new day! What places will she light today? Beyond the places in your heart she lights so brightly. You don’t know much, but you’ve learned a little. You follow beauty. And none is brighter than hers. And what’s silly makes sense. Where all is open road there’s a sense of direction. You can build countless things anew – the possibilities are endless! – in the light of a new day. It’s her light that lights the way. She provides for you, and endless others, the realization of beauty. What beauty *is.* What it means. What it looks like! How it feels! How will she dress it today? You’re looking into the sun, but no damage is done. Unless you count being blinded by her beauty. But you don’t. It’s the bliss of gazing at her star. She always takes you far, when nothing before her ever moved you. Your dreams now carry some weight. And yet you’re as light as the air. This feeling of freedom she gives! She provides. There has never been anyone so beautiful as she. You’re quite more than sure there never ever will be. She’s that light in the sky for oh so many others, too, and not just for me. She blesses even the littlest of things with deep meaning. She’s beyond all my words, as much as I try. She stays a step ahead. She’s the magic in my skies. 🌟