AH!!!! You opened it up!! Start at the top, that’s what I say! Your eyes are intoxicating and arresting!! (Please don’t have me arrested, ahem, I’m just speaking the truth!! – poor choice of words there!!) I don’t know how you put that all together so fast! SUCH a great piece!! And you use more source photos per second than most others put in their segments! Everything is top notch with you! No surprise, as you should always be surrounded with talent that reflects your own. You really are the very best. And, so, it’s “Come for the best reporting on television! Stay for the melting that ensues!” The melting being what happens to 5 out of every 7 viewers who get lost in you! (There’s no accounting for those other 2!!) But the 5?? They are the *happiest* people alive!! You in *white!!* And men find themselves lost in a dream of you … You in your wedding chamber! You’ve been betrothed to a wealthy older man without your knowledge! Oh, whatever will you do! And he arrives, finally, in his Armani suit, and he gently pulls you close to him, and you somehow know him by his touch and his scent. Dark and mysterious (he has a tan, it’s summer, ahem), you feel these spectacular sparks start sparking inside (say *that* one three times fast)!! And you can’t help but melt into his arms … Huh? Ah!! I took a side path into fantasy! Oh, the fantasies that ensue! If you could see them all! Before your eyes!! Like on a screen! From me and countless other guys, you’d blush and be taken aback! “I really inspire all that??” But hopefully you’d end up smiling and laughing and feeling complimented and flattered. After all, You’re the dream!! “The girl who got away!” The siren a man would whisper about at 3 a.m. to a bartender, … like in that Sinatra song that goes, “It’s a quarter to three …” You inspire! Rich imagination in men who didn’t even know they had such a thing! You keep men dreaming! If only for the possibility to be a friend. You have the Midas touch. You’re the girl everyone wants so much! You open doors up inside them. You!!! *sigh* … positively radiant in white on a Wednesday evening. Your face that is so expressive and precious. Your voice that carries them off into dreams of splendor. Who does all that? I gotta tell ya, *nobody* does. You’re in a league all your own, baby girl! You’re a work of art. An original Picasso! You’re brilliant!! And you carry yourself with such aplomb and grace and style. Such flawless work this evening. I’m so happy you opened it up! So perfect you’d be at the top of the hour! You’re the very best, and nobody does it better. And you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. That goes without sayin’. ❤️