Posts tagged with: god

On these days when in the abyss, know you are glorious. You are wondrous. You are deep. So, Yes! It’s true. When you fall, you Fall. Others warn you it’s...
You’ve got that love from above! Everything might feel off today. Clothes not feeling they fit right. Thoughts not feeling they fit right. Life not feeling it fits right. Angry...
If you were to ask me why I love you, that would be the one question so hard to answer. And then the fear you don’t believe because it doesn’t...
You’ve got so much love to give! Things might be feeling a little tense, and maybe you’re not feeling so good. But, picture that sun-blessed ocean wave coming in on...
Today might be full of sunshine for you. It might be thunderclouds. But, that bigger reality that is aware of every seed bursting, every bird chirping, every pain in every...
If you can, love someone or something with all your heart today. And, with no expectation of anything in return. That’s a message from my intuition. My intuition? … My...
If you’re a victim of something traumatizing, it must be so hard to be told to “stop playing the victim.” You’ve now experienced gaslighting on top of the original pain....
The older I get, I come more and more to realize I imagine so many things that aren’t true; what this person is thinking … what that person is doing...
If there is no time, … my beloved old dog is just as real today as is my beloved dog by my side. The warm and gentle love of feeling...
You’ve just turned that massive water flow valve or switch. Your energy source is now focused outward. And, that energy source IS massive....