the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
The light of a new day! What places will she light today? Beyond the places in your heart she lights so brightly. You don’t know much, but you’ve learned a...
“Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” is like “Chinatown” (the latter I only recently saw for first time). I can’t shake either one. They stay with me days after viewing...
Ah!!! She’s there and you burst at the seams! You didn’t realize you were down! You’d say, if asked, “Everything’s fine, everything’s great,” but she shows up as a vision...
I love her, and that’s okay. It’s safe to love today. I feel her all about me, and I couldn’t want for anything. I’ve found heaven, and it’s inside me....
Today you aren’t desiring what you lack! You love someone so much. You feel in a way you’re with her. Even when you’re alone! Does it get much better than...
It’s all about you. And you know no bounds. It’s all about you. This love that surrounds. Failing is part of success. It’s okay to take a step back. And...
Indigo and halos. The tail wags before the touch. And I can touch anything. Anything at all. At all the gatherings, of the well-to-do. Wouldn’t it do if you were...
It’s so little yet so big. Just a simple look of yours that you might give. It tells me everything will be okay. When the suffering becomes too much, you...
The look came right away! The flip side of yesterday, or the day before! She’s in her perfect state. You can tell when she’s in that energy that feels like...