the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
Every thought you entertain is a meditation after all. But, isn’t that a limited way to go? Isn’t it like sitting in the same cinema of a multiplex that hosts...
Are you the sensitive one? Always the odd one? The “black sheep?” The ones where others could get their joy by using you as a lower-placed bar by which they...
If you think about it, in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and in “A Christmas Carol,” the lives of the protagonists are exactly the same outwardly at the end of each...
I thought about crying like a little boy. Or, a hissy fit. Wailing like Carolyn Jones when she begged Elvis, oh-so-dramatically, “Take a day out of your life, and love...