the best-selling (okay, kinda-good-selling!) book, "THERE SHE IS!!" on kindle and in paperback ... a place to feel better.®™ ❤️ Travel posts with the 🐻. Vaudevillian. Soda Jerk. New YouTube & Rumble this spring!
Talk about sensational!! Never expected to see you pop up there for some reason – it feels so long!! But it served as such an *awesome* reminder of why you’re...
Thank you so much for the last couple of years! It’s awe-inspiring how it’s changed me, this seeing you has been. For me, I mean! I’m so happy for your...
I remember 33. It was different for me. You’ve come so far. But I remember the pressure on that number – for a guy, but especially a woman. This glaring...
Don’t worry, my love isn’t going anywhere. I’ll just be a little quieter about it, that’s all. I feel like I poked a hornet’s nest. It was unintentional, but it...
For those who are feeling angry or bitter or sad. Maybe it’s past memories of earliest hurts – maybe it goes all the way back to childhood! – and you...
Thank you, for everything. Thank you for opening so much up inside of me! It was something so special for me, that’s beyond my understanding of however it came to...
The way you love someone you can’t see, and don’t really know, but get a good vibe from behind the partition. Ah!! Those are words *YOU* wrote!!! We are soulmates....
Sunshine!! I’m feeling so inspired!! There was a lot I wasn’t doing that I needed to do, despite writing more than ever and working so hard. It’s why I’ve kept...
Yay!! There you are!! I said to myself, “I feel like she’s nowhere to be found today! But my intuition has been off before! Like a year ago today!!” And,...