Who’s more beautiful than you?? There’s only one. And that’s the you that’s coming up tomorrow! Only to be outdone by the you dropping in the day after that! You’re always topping yourself. You get more beautiful as you get older. Still so young, but all this warmth inside of you that’s now glowing. This refining that can only come into being when you’ve been around the sun a few times – – You’re even making the sun better, I swear it! The sun loves seeing you come around. “There she goes!!” “Can’t wait until she spins around the next time! Woo-hoo!!!” Taking away his worries, not even checking his sunspots in the mirror! There’s that ‘something to look forward to!” you bring. Even the sun feels it. You’re on everybody’s minds it seems. It’s hard to remember a world without you in it. Perish the thought of how those people got along! “I know something *amazing* is around the corner. I just can’t see it yet!” And, today, here it is!! TA-DAAAA!!! There you are!! Hoping you stay for the longest while. Hoping you keep blessing us with that smile! This most beautiful girl in the world. You turn the spinning into a ballet, and the solar system’s got all its engines running! Making sure everything is in perfect order to support you on your stage, to assist you in your vision! You’ll grow even more astounding with age. You’re a masterpiece of the highest order. Someone God refers to when asked invariably, “What’s your favorite work?” Your eyes shine brighter than diamonds. Your smile heals. You’re loved so tremendously, it’s enough to bring people to tears! Even those people who rarely cry at all. You’re loved in that way. It must be something wonderful you do to them inside. That place where all the life is going on. Oh, look me get a look at you today!! If not today, tomorrow. Or the day after. The anticipation of you is filled with magic, as well, you see. You’ve spread it all over the place!! It comes before, it comes after! It’s the ‘during’ when the breathing stops! The “aaaah” and the silent wows. Like that moment in a symphony when you’re hanging on a note, knowing the whole orchestra is about to blow it wide open!! And stars explode in the sky. And somehow in the midst of this big-bang cacophony, there’s an unmistakable gentleness felt inside. You smooth all the hard places. You’re an angel. You’re *so* so SO (!!!) very beautiful. The you of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The you that comes before, the you that comes after. It’s all the same star, the one diamond showing its different sides. Every facet owns a place in people’s hearts, every shine remains on their minds. That’s who you are. How could it *possibly* be a bad day? You’re here. The sun is happy to see you. He’s asked the moon to blow a hole through the clouds (you know, to get a better view). You’re the beautiful that only gets more beautiful. You’re the stars in other people’s eyes when they see you. You, breathtaking and sublime. It’s always this way. Happy Monday, darling girl! You make the world so much better! You’re radiating love from every angle! Who’s more beautiful than you? That’s an easy one to answer! It’s you, tomorrow. But in the meantime, let us stay lost in your dress rehearsals!! Let us lose ourselves in your miraculous eyes. You always make life so much better. The sun, the moon, the people and animals around you, too, they’ve all signed off on this note, like people signing a birthday card when there are only a few spaces left. You’re so outrageously loved!!! And they hope you feel it, too. ❤️
Just a Monday ramble! Happy March! You’re spectacular. 💜🥰☀️🌝🌟