Just a quick note if you’re having a rough day because you’ve tied yourself up in thoughts that aren’t helping you. The thought creates the feeling as you know, and then the feeling might result inevitably in a cross word or action. You don’t need any of that! You’re too good for that! Thoughts are often historically depicted as swords: they can put some great things into action, but probably more often result in a kind of self-imprisonment. But, those thoughts from your *heart* space – that intuition deeper in you – are often represented by cups or chalices filled with wine (for those of you who still indulge, have one for me, please – reference “Picasso’s Last Words” song) … or in those cups is abundant sparkling water! It helps me when in a funk to take a long shower and say something out loud to the effect of, “You know what? I’m just going to step out of this whole mess of blues in my head; step away from these ‘swords’ of thoughts I’ve let get created in a Jenga pile weighing me down, and get back to that heart space, that breathing in and breathing it all away, and be of some use to others, including myself.” This is when the tenant on the other side of the wall might reply, “What’s that now?” So, you might want to be sure you’re alone when doing this. And, the shower is just my personal preference. If there’s somebody in the shower when you get there, be sure you’re in the right one, or this could cause problems that would require another post. … You have SO much beauty! You’ve got this aura about you. And, a gentleness radiates from you that people can feel no matter what emotion is blasting away on the surface. And, you’ve got a really goofy laugh. So, essentially, you got the whole thing going for you!! You’re beautiful, and way too good to allow any thoughts that pile atop each other to have any sway over you today. You’ve got a good heart. And, your heart is that quieter voice that’s just aching to spend some time with you. *That* voice nurtures you, and holds you close, and forgives you, and brings on a certain serenity for you. It’s happening already, isn’t it? Just a little bit better? Take that deep breath and know you are loved. Because you are! More than you can even fathom or begin to know!! It’s all really going to be okay. That heart place in you will light the way.
