For anyone feeling down today, I find it helpful to take a step back. Step away from the table, so to speak. Take everything weighing on your mind, and step away from all of it for just one moment, and simply ask yourself, “What have I got to be thankful for right now?” 

As corny as it sounds, actually DO it. And, hopefully things start coming to you. It could be your health, or someone right now you feel blessed to have in your sphere, or an animal in your life (or many), or your home, or … well, anything. 

If you really do it, you might find the answers entering your mind one after the other, listing them off, even if some might seem silly to you or another. 

Just do this simple thing now: Step away from the table – and “count your blessings” … You might feel a perspective change that lifts you up and relieves you of all the agitations of the day. 

If you think about it, in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and in “A Christmas Carol,” the lives of the protagonists are exactly the same outwardly at the end of each story, but their perspectives have changed completely. They are put back into the same problems, the same people, the same situations – but their attitudes toward them are just pouring out with gratitude to the point of giddiness, where before they were downcast and faithless. 

Don’t worry about that bill that’s due. Don’t worry about this plan or that plan. You got this far in life, and the longer you travel in it, the more you can often look back over it, and the whole thing seems almost as if it were composed by somebody or something (as said Schopenhauer). Things that seemed meaningless or of no consequence when they happened turned out to be major plot points in your life. 

You’ve come this far in life. That deserves a hearty congratulations and loving pat on your back.

Why insult all the energies pouring about you by worrying over every detail? 

When that worry is turned into gratitude by, yes, something as simple as *literally* stepping back (step outside and look up into the sky – and, ask yourself, when have I last looked up like this?), and just let the things you are thankful for pour over you, your life could be as changed as George Bailey’s and Ebenezer Scrooge’s. 

Remember, the only change that happened to them came from within, not from without. And, you definitely have a very deep within! 

Let it know you love it today! 

You’re loved! 

All that’s troubling you will indeed pass. One way or another. But, it will pass.

But, there’s something eternal to love. And, feeling gratitude is a sure way to open that floodgate inside you to allow it to pour through. 

We are all facets of a diamond, reflecting off each other. Sometimes one facet shines brighter than another. Sometimes it’s another facet. But, we are connected and make up the whole. Feeling that gratitude satisfies something deeper in you than your intellect. 

Step away from table, and look to the sky, and start counting any blessings, no matter how hard at first they seem to find. They will come to you. … I love you!