Today is the day!! The big day you’ve been waiting for!! You’re both positive and negative! Male and female! Love is love is love! You’re birthing things from the atom! You *create!!* And from three primary colors, shapes and sounds emit!! You’re creating all the time!! Whether you know it or not! But, now you know it!! And you’re deeply in touch with your heart. What a great day to start!!! You’ve got that strength to discard a habit that is no longer serving you! You’ve got the bravery to take a step forward with no worry as to what might impede you! You can counter anything with the light inside you.  

And go ahead and dream dreams that seem too fantastical to the ordinary you that you’re leaving behind! That “you” had forgotten that she had the magic spark! That “you” had lost hope that he would ever get out of the rut he was in! The new you is a creator, not a victim! You write your way in and out of scenes! You’re humble and you’re quiet, sensing when to let certain feelings in that will guide you. You’re doing big things! Even if they seem unseen. 

Everything feels fresh!! So don’t lose it! When it goes, challenge the thought that precedes it. And recognize it isn’t real at all. *You* create it, you’re the author. If you can’t change the setting, you can change the narrator. Turn a drama into a comedy. Turn a tragedy into a love story. It’s all you who is doing it. You have such power! 

… And you’re loved like no other!! God is in you, and God is in everything around you. Otherwise you couldn’t affect it or touch it. And you are in God. All drawing from the same power. And you feel uplifted! And hugged! And carried. There’s no separating you from the other. What a gift to be in your position! What a present to be in your situation! To give your love so freely when others haven’t yet learned the lesson of how easy it is to give, when seeing! And how you give of it effortlessly, because it is constantly refilling. 

You’re so beautiful that way. You melt hearts with your smile. They see your beauty with their souls and not their eyes. They feel your magic underneath emblazoned skies. And it’s simply something you *decide!* What a beautiful day to come alive! And turn off the thoughts that aren’t working. Dismissing them at the door as they enter. They’re not real, they don’t serve you. And take joy in creating! Lighting little fires of love that get passed on from heart to heart. Always warming. Today is the day!! The big day you’ve been waiting for!! You’re made of love. You only require the heart of a child. There’s no big secret to it! All you have lost is the fear of losing. Just look at all you’re gaining! As you quietly love your way, lighting little fires as you go. You’re *so* beautiful. And, it’s such a beautiful day. ❤️   

Happy springtime!! You’re loved exponentially!!!  You’re loved tremendously. ☀️🌟🥰