What is it about spells? And casting them? I read in a deeply spiritual book that it *is* possible. You can manifest what you want. Skipping past the Divine, and working it out for yourself. Inflicting your own will. If you’ve got that kind of power figured out. But I can see why spells aren’t the good things. Because it’s never “God’s will,” it’s “mine.” But maybe you can manifest in a different way! You can just be loving, all the time, someone supportive, and keep the “Thy will be done,” whatever it may be. Because there’s love in that. In the other, maybe not so much. Certainly not of the purer type. And there would always be some sort of karma that would turn out. Like that, “be careful what you wish for” idea. But if you’re just loving, I mean *just for the sake of it*, with no expectation of anything ever turning out of it, well, that’s love in its simplest form. The best kind. Just love. Nothing else in it. No added ingredients. Except humor, maybe.! Always go for the smile, that laughing at oneself, that lightening of the mood. So that when all the storms come to pass, they come and go, there was something steady when one looks back. One steady car on the road. Maybe that’s appreciated. I mean, that’s the most you can hope for. Because when somebody is so beautiful, you know she’ll always have options everywhere. So, how do you do it? Every day struggle to put your ego aside. Some days it comes naturally! It’s easy! Those are the best kind. On the others, really work at it. When you feel down or discouraged, ask yourself, “Is this me? Or my ego that’s causing this blue mood.” In my case, it’s *always* my ego, disguising itself in one way or another. And that’s when you let go. And pretend you’re an angel. You are, anyway. In the deepest part of you. And the joy that fills you is the hope you sweetened someone’s mood. You’d be surprised how often that feeling is more than enough! It really can be. In a world where *so* much is fleeting – everything, really – there’s something constant and timeless in that very simple thing. Making someone’s life just a little bit easier, if only in a moment. Until you do it again! And again, and again, and again. So it becomes something expected. She knows you’ll have a rough day once in a while, when your ego is winning. But she senses the part of you that’s deeper is the real part. And that always rises back up like a sunken treasure. She might already be the most loved person in the world. But maybe there’s a day when she doesn’t feel that way. And she knows she can turn to you. It’s something predictable, and expected, in only the best of ways. Aim for that. It might not be the biggest dream to have in someone else’s eyes. It might not even seem a dream at all to some. But in those little moments, when you *feel* maybe, just maybe, you might have connected, it’s where the greatest joy is found. You feel it in your heart. You’re so astounding. You’re so wonderful. It’s only fitting it’s always expressed. And in the process you’re helping someone to grow and mature. To master his thoughts and his feelings, so he can offer something a little more pure. It’s so magically reciprocal, after all. You’re loved so tremendously much. If I could trade with you the moments of joy that I feel in telling you so, you’d never feel unloved ever! You’d feel what I feel about you. And you’d just kinda float! That’s how it feels when I’m lost in you. And all your gifts and talents. All your beauty and this ineffable way you express yourself. There’s kindness and compassion and safety. This strong but gentle love in the ethers. Without worry, or expectation. No games played, no plans need ever be made. Just loving you plain and simple. You’ve saved and healed me so many times over, without your knowledge most likely. You’ve made me stronger and I’ve grown. As far as spells go, I’m all on board with this one! Instead of a reward somewhere so far away, you realize the reward is coming in constantly, every single day. Maybe simple, but it’s the nicest thing. Some days I just need to be reminded a little when my ego interrupts. But the reminder always arrives in short order. This feeling I’m already living my dream because of you.  

Happy springtime!   

(yay!!!)  💜🌟🥰