Ah!!! I heard the voice emanating from the kitchen when I stopped back home!! That *voice!!!!* You know, like if you’re auditioning for singers, and it’s like “okay!” And then someone sings the song, and you drop your pencils!! Words come to life when you say them! This richness in your voice that’s missing in others! This smoothness! And this uniqueness in the way you curl your sounds! And it’s like a suite of violins when before you was only heard a guitar. Something like that feeling!! It’s really how it is when your voice is speaking. And it’s the update! Yay!! They got you working all over the place! So, all *that* excitement, and somehow it’s just build-up to when you’re seen!! AH!!!!!! This kind of pinkish-purple blouse (“use your words, Todd!”) that matches your lipstick, and your hair is all flowing!!!!! Over a black blazer!!! Ah, that look!! And your eyes. I mean, where you go from here?! They’re so sure, so penetrating, so paralyzing!!! I guess I’m like one of the guys in the final scene of “It’s A Wonderful Life” with all my holdings updates! This coming from the place in me to want to pour it all out on the table before you!! And say something funny like, “I was saving this for a divorce if ever a get a husband!!” And, my Lord, you’re such a dream. Your face is the beginning and end of everything. So perfectly made. And the look you have at the end, you’re staggering. You’re so *far* above what comes before and after you. This face of the goddess. You’re so sure and it’s exhilarating!! And yet also so calming. Freeze it right there just before it ends on you!! I know you must see what I’m seeing! You’re an absolute Michelangelo rendering, Hera or whatever goddess who is the most beautiful, who is the template or the form represented for such a thing! It’s so honestly you. I mean, who else even exists. So it makes perfect sense that guys do what they do, building up riches and all this good fortune that kind of finds its way into their laps simply by knowing you. Like your beauty just spreads right over them once you’ve been really seen by someone. Still so lost in that lost frame of you. It’s so alive at the same time! Men are never the same once they’ve seen you. Your face!!! You’re too much beauty to even process. But look how white the whites of your eyes are! Look how alive and shining your irises are!! Note how perfectly shaped your face is with all your features, and the smoothness that results. The slight dimple around your mouth, leading down from your nose to the most perfectly shaped and generous lips that the world has ever known. And how it all comes together, your fiery soft hair lending balance, your chosen outfit of today with a blazer and colorful blouse that matches your lips. Your earrings, hoops but a little smaller, because all the beauty about you is too big to comprehend! It’s bigger than the room. And it all comes together to frame the perfect picture. You on a Monday after Easter, when there’s that beginning-again-feeling, but not really feeling that bounce. Well, Hello, Bounce!!!! “That’s what you’re fighting for, boys!!!” You’re so painstakingly and hauntingly the most beautiful girl in the world. You really, truly are. And you set the place on fire. So, you’re getting married! So what! – you hear voices saying in the ethers!! We’ll catch you in-between! We’ll catch you at the end! We’ll catch you in another lifetime!!It’s never about the getting, anyway! When there’s so much to be having right here and now in the meantime!! I know I’m a little biased, but there’s something so objective in all the gushing, too. There’s a truth in it that exists whether I’m the one saying it or not! The flower is still beautiful even if there’s nobody there to see it! There’s no mistaking how exceptionally glorious you are. All from the power of your eyes. There is nothing else in God’s green nature like it!! The sureness and the light that arrives from you today. Your face that has poets and artists working overtime. If only they could express it. And doorbells are ringing! Dogs are barking! Birds are singing (well, shrieking – one in particular, and I’m powering through regardless!!). Because all of life takes a holiday at least for a minute when you appear!! You’re *so* beautiful. I do so wish I had the words. Anyway! So nicely done – to put it mildly! We’ll never know the hundreds of thousands of people who caught you today and thought some private thought about your beauty. But you’ll always know the loudest one!!! (Yeah, that’s me, haha) 😅 You!! And Update!! Take that apart!! It’s always that UP feeling with you. And, oh, my God, the dream of *all* dreams. A “date” with you. Those men who adore you. You’d be polite and kind, knowing they’re going to run in the minds *every* stupid thing that came of out of their mouths when being around you, and hope somehow you saw something that made you feel complimented. Or! You catch them when they’re at their most confident. Feeling all Joey!!! “How *you* doin??” “Good.” “*Yeah* you do!!!” Or “*Yeah* you are!!” Or whatever!! You get the idea!! Either way no man is ever the same to have simply been around you! You’re beautiful in that way. If all you could see is energy, you’d see all people represented by these little blips of blue. And you? This explosion!!! Of the whole spectrum of lights and sights and sounds!!! Eighteen times as big as the others!! And all this fire and warmth!! And still that aura of golds and blues!! You’re felt on every level!! You’re experienced as *the* experience of a lifetime. How do you forget that? You don’t!! And that’s you on a Monday in a black blazer and your warm hair flowing. It doesn’t matter the day or the time. You’re timeless in every conceivable way. And as beautiful as a million movie stars all put together. Oh, just once! To look into your eyes. … *sigh!!!* … Nicely done, baby girl. You remind everyone there’s so much to live for, and what beauty is. So happy I caught it! And, you know? If all I had caught at all was the sound of your voice in the kitchen, that would have been enough, too! *Every* part of you is dream worthy. There is magic in *every* part of you!! Happy Monday!!! 💜🥰🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!!! … yes, +2!!!!  👑🛍🌷🌼💐💛🔥!!!