You know, you’re the kind of person who is so debilitatingly devastating, that when you look at someone – ah!! your spectacular face!!!! – they’ll turn into a mess in front of your eyes. Simply by your staring at them without saying a word.  

You know there’s a moment there towards the end where you smile at something somebody says and pull at your hair, then you sit there quietly … listening and looking. And I don’t know how to explain these moments! You don’t look overly entertained by what someone is saying. If anything, it’s like you’re on this higher plane of being. Way above the silliness of man, and your face is *SO!!* beautiful, but serious. And I swear all you’d have to do if having a conversation where you want to suss something out of someone, simply sit there, staring … not saying a word … and watch the guy across from you become more nervous, then going into rambling, and ultimately devolving into a puddle of warm water right in front of you. It’s *that* kind of thing. You’re on a pedestal, whether you chose it or not! You’re SO much more beautiful, you’re SO much more regal, you’re SO much more above the fray … and just by being quiet in those moments where you were today – when you were just listening – you could get anything out of anybody without ever having to say a word! A confession! An admission! And watch them turn to putty right before you. And you never even have to waste a single divine breath of yours in the process! You have THAT kind of face!!! Maybe you can watch it again to see what I mean!! What I’m trying to say. You’re SO beautiful there are simply no words. And in purple – ahhh!!!!! Your primary color!!! And I just caught it at the end!! One of those ‘maybe, just, maybe!!’ feelings!!! And I feel so much better at what is a bizarre and weird day. Everybody wanting something. Strange things going on. And I thought to myself last night, “Don’t get weird that it’s the Ides of March. That’s just Shakepeare’s Caesar or something.” But, uh, yeah … total stay-under-the-covers kind of day. And just feeling ALL off. And just seeing you!! That under-the-covers becomes a warm blanket. You’re so *exceptionally* wonderful. You’re regal – oh, that face. ❤️!!!! And suddenly things don’t seem so scary. Even feel a burst of bravery. And a bit of that Soprano spine kick in! You positively bring people back to life. Because *you’re* strong. And so impossibly beautiful. You set such a higher bar than anyone could even imagine. And there comes this remembering as to what’s important and what isn’t. What’s to be shrugged off with a laugh, and what’s to be taken care of. And a constant reminder to be a little better as a person, flawed as I am. Anyway … such a joy to see you. On a Monday – I know! And Ides of March weighing down on top of it! And weirdness all around me. And yet I can let go and let God, as they say. And somehow I don’t figure all that out – I certainly don’t *feel* it – until I see your face. Your energy, your whole being. You’re exceptional and on a higher plane of being. I swear it’s something people feel when they look at you. And you never even have to say a word. But, it’s such heaven when you do! Your voice is music! But you’re saying SO much – speaking volumes – simply by being who you are. You set the bar for all others who follow. And instill hope and inspiration to try to measure up. You’re amazing. Happy Monday!! 🌟☀️💜!!!!